Today I finished this lime, turquoise and white colored African Flower Owl. The pattern is called Maggie the African Flower Owl and it is by Jo's Crocheteria, which is a Swedish designer. You can find the pattern here. The pattern is now also available in Finnish, translated by yours truly. ;) This owl takes an awful lot of polyester stuffing, but you should never try to save on the stuffing, since too soft, ill fitted, lumpy plush toy ends up looking pretty horrible. The yarn used is a cotton blend which I bought last week on my visit to Karnaluks.
maanantai 31. lokakuuta 2016
Afrikankukkapöllö - African Flower Owl
Tänään valmistui tämä vihreän sävyinen afrikankukkapöllö. Ohje on Maggie the African Flower Owl ja sen on suunnitellut Jo's Crocheteria, (joka on ruotsalainen suunnittelija) ja se on ostettavissa täältä. Ohje on saatavilla nykyään myös suomeksi allekirjoittaneen kääntämänä. Lankana on puuvillasekoitelanka. Täytettä tähän pöllöön menee valtavasti, mutta täyttämisasioissa ei koskaan pidä huijata, sillä huonosti täytetty, vajaa tai muhkurainen pehmo ei ole kovin kivan näköinen. Pöllön langat ostin viimeviikkoisella matkallani Karnaluksiin.
Today I finished this lime, turquoise and white colored African Flower Owl. The pattern is called Maggie the African Flower Owl and it is by Jo's Crocheteria, which is a Swedish designer. You can find the pattern here. The pattern is now also available in Finnish, translated by yours truly. ;) This owl takes an awful lot of polyester stuffing, but you should never try to save on the stuffing, since too soft, ill fitted, lumpy plush toy ends up looking pretty horrible. The yarn used is a cotton blend which I bought last week on my visit to Karnaluks.
Today I finished this lime, turquoise and white colored African Flower Owl. The pattern is called Maggie the African Flower Owl and it is by Jo's Crocheteria, which is a Swedish designer. You can find the pattern here. The pattern is now also available in Finnish, translated by yours truly. ;) This owl takes an awful lot of polyester stuffing, but you should never try to save on the stuffing, since too soft, ill fitted, lumpy plush toy ends up looking pretty horrible. The yarn used is a cotton blend which I bought last week on my visit to Karnaluks.
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