I made this African flower owl couple as a wedding gift for friends of mine. The yarn I used is a cotton blend and the owls turn out quite big this way. I used size 2,5 mm hook. The pattern is by Jo's Crocheteria. Looks like the pink owl's colors got a bit distorted somehow in the finished pictures. :)
torstai 18. elokuuta 2016
Pöllöpariskunta - African Flower Owl Couple
Tein tällaisen afrikankukkapöllöpariskunnan häälahjaksi kavereilleni. Pöllöt on tehty puuvillasekoitelangasta 2,5 mm koukulla ja ovat melko suuria. Ohje pöllöihin on Jo's Crocheterian ja on nyt saatavilla myös suomeksi allekirjoittaneen kääntämänä. :) Pinkin pöllön värit ovat valmiin pöllön kuvissa näemmä jotenkin hieman vääristyneet. :)
I made this African flower owl couple as a wedding gift for friends of mine. The yarn I used is a cotton blend and the owls turn out quite big this way. I used size 2,5 mm hook. The pattern is by Jo's Crocheteria. Looks like the pink owl's colors got a bit distorted somehow in the finished pictures. :)
I made this African flower owl couple as a wedding gift for friends of mine. The yarn I used is a cotton blend and the owls turn out quite big this way. I used size 2,5 mm hook. The pattern is by Jo's Crocheteria. Looks like the pink owl's colors got a bit distorted somehow in the finished pictures. :)
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