Last presents in the making. I am making a snake for my nephew. It is made of African flowers and it is my own design. Also a pair of Reaverse slippersocks is in the making for my little brother. Still in the early stages, but I am confident they will get wrapped up and under the Christmas tree in time. :)
tiistai 22. joulukuuta 2015
Vielä kerkee... - There is still time! :D
Vikoja viedään. Kummipojalle itse suunnittelemani Afrikankukkakäärme ja pikkuveljelleni Reaverset. Aika vaiheessa vielä, mutta eiköhän ne aattoillaksi pakettiin ennätä. :)
Last presents in the making. I am making a snake for my nephew. It is made of African flowers and it is my own design. Also a pair of Reaverse slippersocks is in the making for my little brother. Still in the early stages, but I am confident they will get wrapped up and under the Christmas tree in time. :)
Last presents in the making. I am making a snake for my nephew. It is made of African flowers and it is my own design. Also a pair of Reaverse slippersocks is in the making for my little brother. Still in the early stages, but I am confident they will get wrapped up and under the Christmas tree in time. :)
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