Tein tällaisen vauvan unilelun kaverilleni. Tämä on siis kettu-uniriepu, jota vauva voi pitää esimerkiksi nukkuessaan kainalossaan. Tämä uniriepu on tehty puuvillasekoitelangasta, jotta se olisi pehmeä, eikä nukkaisi ja parhaimmillaan myös pesunkestävä. Lanka ja täytevanu ovat pestäviä, yksinkertaisen muotonsa ansioista uskoisin, että ketun mekkoineen voi pestä ihan pesukoneessakin. Ketun ohje on Ravelrysta ja Carolina Guzmanin suunnittelema. Toivottavasti tuleva saaja pitää ketusta. :)
I made this Fox security blanket for a friend. It is a blanket with a fox head and a baby can sleep with it. This fox blanket was made with a cotton blend yarn so it would be soft and washable. The yarn and the polyester filling are both washable and since it is a pretty simple shape, I would imagine it should survive even the washing machine. The pattern is by Carolina Guzman and may be found at Ravelry. I hope the baby will love this blanket. :)
torstai 28. heinäkuuta 2016
tiistai 26. heinäkuuta 2016
Lisää sukkia - More Converse Slippersocks
Sain viimein valmiiksi viiden sukkaparin urakan. Näissä sukissa on kyllä aivan älytön homma.. Ohje on Reaverse, jonka voi ostaa esim. Ravelrysta. Sanoisin, etten tee enää ikinä, mutta valehtelisin, kun aloitin jo yhden parin itselle ja toisen yhdelle kaverille. Mutta sitten en hetkeen kyllä tee... Aina kun ajattelet olevasi jo melkein valmis, on vielä 10 työvaihetta ja 20 pääteltävää lankaa... Sukka burn out on kyllä nyt lähellä. :P
I finally finished my project of five pairs of Converse slipper socks... These socks take up a lots and lots of time... The pattern is by Rea Järvenpää "Reaverse" which can be purchased from Ravelry. I would like to say I'll never ever make another pair, but I would be lying, since I have already started a pair for my self and another pair for a friend of mine. But after I finish those, it will probably be a long time before I agree to make another pair! Every time you think you are close to finishing a pair, there is still 10 more steps to the pattern and 20 yarn ends to weave in... I am close to a woolen sock burn out, I think. :P
I finally finished my project of five pairs of Converse slipper socks... These socks take up a lots and lots of time... The pattern is by Rea Järvenpää "Reaverse" which can be purchased from Ravelry. I would like to say I'll never ever make another pair, but I would be lying, since I have already started a pair for my self and another pair for a friend of mine. But after I finish those, it will probably be a long time before I agree to make another pair! Every time you think you are close to finishing a pair, there is still 10 more steps to the pattern and 20 yarn ends to weave in... I am close to a woolen sock burn out, I think. :P
keskiviikko 20. heinäkuuta 2016
Maijal´ oli karitsa... tai kolme... Mary had a little lamb... or three... :)
Tein pyynnöstä kaksi lammasta lisää. Ja kolmannen ihan muuten vaan. :) Ohje on Stip&Haakin. Kuvat on otettu illalla, joten värit ovat osin hieman vääristyneet.
I was asked to make two more sheep. And I made a third one just because. :) The pattern is by Stip&Haak. The pictures were taken in the evening, so the colors are partly a but distorted.
I was asked to make two more sheep. And I made a third one just because. :) The pattern is by Stip&Haak. The pictures were taken in the evening, so the colors are partly a but distorted.
tiistai 5. heinäkuuta 2016
Lammasviisikko valmistui - Five Little Lambs - Done!
No niin, sain viimeinkin valmiiksi tämän lammasprojektin. Viisi valko-harmaata lammasta, mutta hieman erilaisilla väreillä. :) Jokaisesta tuli taas hieman eri kokoinen ja muotoinen, koska tuo pörrölanka on luonteeltaan sellaista, ettei silmukoita oikein pysty laskemaan tarkasti ja täytyy virkata hieman summassa välillä. Laskea siis pitää koko ajan, mutta silmukkaluku ei aina ihan täsmää kuitenkaan. :D Ja taitaa vähän riippua päivästakin minkäkokoisia näistä tulee... Ohje on siis hollantilaisen Stip&Haakin Sheep Suusje. :)
Seuraava urakka onkin viidet Converse/Reaverse-sukat, jotka olen luvannut piakkoin saada valmiiksi. :)
So, I finally finished these little lambs. I promised to make five white and gray sheep, but make each a little different. Well, they always turn out unique due to the fluffy yarn that is used, since it is impossible to really see the stitches and you sort of have to just go and crochet and hope for the best and count as best you can. :D I guess it depends a little bit on the day as well how big these turn out. The pattern is Sheep Suusje by the Dutch Stip&Haak.
Next up is 5 pairs of Converse slipper socks. :)
Seuraava urakka onkin viidet Converse/Reaverse-sukat, jotka olen luvannut piakkoin saada valmiiksi. :)
So, I finally finished these little lambs. I promised to make five white and gray sheep, but make each a little different. Well, they always turn out unique due to the fluffy yarn that is used, since it is impossible to really see the stitches and you sort of have to just go and crochet and hope for the best and count as best you can. :D I guess it depends a little bit on the day as well how big these turn out. The pattern is Sheep Suusje by the Dutch Stip&Haak.
Next up is 5 pairs of Converse slipper socks. :)
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