Tällainen Afrikankukkaheppa valmistui tänään. Ohje on Heidi Bears designin Fatty Lumpkin. Näitä heppoja olen tehnyt jo aika monta, mutta minusta ne ovat tosi somia. :)
This African flower horse was finished today. The pattern is by Heidi Bears design and is called Fatty Lumpkin. I have made several of these horses already, but I think they are just too cute. :)
keskiviikko 20. huhtikuuta 2016
maanantai 18. huhtikuuta 2016
Uutta tulossa taas - New WIP's
Ilmat ovat olleet ihanan keväisiä ja olen päässyt keskittymään hevosten kanssa treenaamiseen ja touhuamiseen. Käsityöt ovat olleet siksi hieman vähemmällä viime viikkoina, enkä ole ollut yhtä tuottelias kuin talvella. Olen kuitenkin luvannut tehdä pari heppaa ja parit sukat ja parit vaikka mitkä, joten eiköhän tässä viikon parin sisään tule valmista useammassakin jutussa, mitä olen aloittanut. Koko ajan työt edistyy, nyt vain hieman hitaammassa tahdissa. :)
Tässä kuitenkin muutama tekeillä oleva juttu. :)
The weather has been great and the Spring is coming along nicely. Due to this, I have been able to concentrate a lot of my time into training my horses, so I have not been as productive lately, as I was during the winter. However, I have promised to make a couple of horses, Converse socks and a couple of other things as well, so there will be new posts about finished items soon. :) I am working on my wip's a little by little, a little slower now than during the winter. :)
Here are a few of my wip's.
Tässä kuitenkin muutama tekeillä oleva juttu. :)
The weather has been great and the Spring is coming along nicely. Due to this, I have been able to concentrate a lot of my time into training my horses, so I have not been as productive lately, as I was during the winter. However, I have promised to make a couple of horses, Converse socks and a couple of other things as well, so there will be new posts about finished items soon. :) I am working on my wip's a little by little, a little slower now than during the winter. :)
Here are a few of my wip's.
perjantai 8. huhtikuuta 2016
Kenguru Kip - Kangaroo Kip
Tämä kenguru Kipin ohje taisi olla ensimmäinen, jonka ostin Stip&Haakilta. Se on pitänyt tehdä viime kesästä saakka, mutta vasta nyt sain aikaiseksi. Tämä on aika suloinen malli pikku vauvakenguruineen. <3 Lankana on erilaisia merseroituja puuvillalankoja. Tämä kenguru oli melko suuritöinen, mutta hauska tehdä. Aika paljon pikku näpertelemistä, etenkin kenguruvauvan osalta.
This pattern for this lovely kangaroo was the first one I purchased from Stip&Haak. I have meant to make this ever since last summer, but only now finally got to doing it. I think this pattern is pretty cute with a little kangaroo baby and all. < 3 The yarns I used for this project were different mercerized cotton yarns. This kangaroo takes quite a bit of effort and time, especially having a lot of sewing to do, but it was a fun pattern to make.
This pattern for this lovely kangaroo was the first one I purchased from Stip&Haak. I have meant to make this ever since last summer, but only now finally got to doing it. I think this pattern is pretty cute with a little kangaroo baby and all. < 3 The yarns I used for this project were different mercerized cotton yarns. This kangaroo takes quite a bit of effort and time, especially having a lot of sewing to do, but it was a fun pattern to make.
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