This summer was exceptionally long and hot here in Finland. Therefore I did not get around to do a whole lot knitting or crocheting. In the beginning of the summer, when it still was a bit cooler, I did make a pair of socks and the parts for one puffy teddy bear, two elephants and almost two dragons. I also started on a blanket. Now that it has finally cooled down a bit, I have in two weeks knitted almost four pairs of woolen socks. Here is a picture of the pair that is still unfinished and my WIP basket. I will later post pics of the other stuff I have done over the summer. But now I'm off to bed. Have a nice rest of the summer everybody!
torstai 16. elokuuta 2018
Pitkästä aikaa... Here again...
Tämä kesä oli poikkeuksellisen kuuma, joten käsityöt olivat sivuroolissa suurimman osan kesää. Alkukesästä sain jotakin valmiiksi ja tehtyä mm. yhden pulleronallen, kahden norsun ja lähes kahden lohikäärmeen palasetkin valmiiksi. Aloitin myös yhden viltin virkkaamisen. Nyt kun vähän viileni, olen kutomassa jo neljättä paria sukkia. Alkukesästä tein jo yhden parin. Eli käsityöhommat käynnistyvät taas uudelleen kun helteet helpottivat. Kuvassa keskeneräinen sukkapari ja korissa kaikenlaista sekalaista mitä on tekeillä. Laitan myöhemmin kuvia valmiista ja valmistuvista töistä, mutta nyt täytyy suunnata nukkumaan. Mukavaa loppukesää kaikille!
This summer was exceptionally long and hot here in Finland. Therefore I did not get around to do a whole lot knitting or crocheting. In the beginning of the summer, when it still was a bit cooler, I did make a pair of socks and the parts for one puffy teddy bear, two elephants and almost two dragons. I also started on a blanket. Now that it has finally cooled down a bit, I have in two weeks knitted almost four pairs of woolen socks. Here is a picture of the pair that is still unfinished and my WIP basket. I will later post pics of the other stuff I have done over the summer. But now I'm off to bed. Have a nice rest of the summer everybody!
This summer was exceptionally long and hot here in Finland. Therefore I did not get around to do a whole lot knitting or crocheting. In the beginning of the summer, when it still was a bit cooler, I did make a pair of socks and the parts for one puffy teddy bear, two elephants and almost two dragons. I also started on a blanket. Now that it has finally cooled down a bit, I have in two weeks knitted almost four pairs of woolen socks. Here is a picture of the pair that is still unfinished and my WIP basket. I will later post pics of the other stuff I have done over the summer. But now I'm off to bed. Have a nice rest of the summer everybody!
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